How AIG Chairman & CEO Peter Zaffino and AIG Global Ambassador Georgia Hall prepare to lead
AIG Chairman & CEO Peter Zaffino and AIG Global Ambassador Georgia Hall share actions they have taken to prepare to lead and inspire the next generation of talent from their respective fields.
Anyone who has ever been at the top of their field, like pro golfer Georgia Hall, or who has led a global organization, like AIG Chairman & CEO Peter Zaffino, knows what it takes to be a leader.
It involves years of preparation. The journey to have an impact on those they lead or influence doesn’t typically happen alone. Allyship is key.
“I’ve been very fortunate to have had a lot of support from leaders throughout my own professional development,” says Peter, recalling his first job in the insurance industry after graduating from Boston College.
“Now, I strive to create meaningful, significant and positive progress through my leadership of AIG.”
As the title sponsor of the AIG Women’s Open—one of five major championships in women’s professional golf—AIG demonstrates its commitment to promoting gender equity and serving as an ally to women in golf, business and society more broadly.
As the AIG Women’s Open gets underway at Scotland’s Old Course at St Andrews, Peter and Georgia reflect on their career journeys and the actions they have taken along the way that have helped them be leaders in their respective fields, cultivate the next generation of talent, and be an ally to all.
Never stop learning
To stay on top of her game, Georgia continually hones her golf skills and adapts to changing conditions on the course. To help refine her techniques and stay competitive, Georgia looks to allies such as her coach, caddy and fellow golf professionals.
“Every shot is a learning experience,” Georgia says. “Whether it felt good or bad at the time, I walk away learning something that I can apply to my game in the future.”
Continuous learning is also important to Peter, who proactively stays abreast on evolving technologies and other business trends poised to shape the global insurance industry. This principle is mirrored in AIG’s “learn-it-all” culture, which aims to inspire colleagues to continuously learn, improve and collaborate, as well as encourage openness to new ideas and professional challenges.
“In order for us to grow professionally, we need to be consummate learners and ask questions all the time,” Peter says. “It goes beyond learning about specific areas like underwriting, claims or finance, and more about how businesses work and how people operate in a company.”
Be an ally and mentor the next generation
For Peter and Georgia, leading is also about giving back and passing on the skills and knowledge they’ve acquired over the years.
As a pro golfer who discovered her passion for the game when she was seven years old, Georgia has prioritized mentorship to support the next generation of golfers. Last year, for example, she launched the Georgia Hall Golf Academy at Paultons Golf Centre, where young golfers from different backgrounds can play golf and develop their talent.
“I looked at my own journey from a local junior golfer to an international champion and wanted to make the sport more accessible to more young players,” Georgia says. “My aim is not only to help them improve their skills, but to also spark a lifelong love of the game.”
At AIG, Peter promotes mentorship through a range of career development programs, including the global insurance organization’s Early Careers Program, where colleagues just starting their careers are able to develop different skills through training, and access to networking and mentoring opportunities.
Also, AIG is investing in the careers of women across the broader insurance industry. In conjunction with last year’s AIG Women’s Open, the AIG Women’s Leadership Forum was launched, which connects high-potential women from across the industry with AIG senior leaders for career development and networking opportunities.
“Mentorship is a powerful tool that helps us transfer knowledge and skills from experienced leaders to up-and-coming talent,” Peter says. “It can help accelerate the development of future leaders.”
Be an active listener
The art of listening may be the most underestimated, but it can be one of the most powerful skills of a leader.
In the ever-changing insurance industry, Peter underscores the necessity to actively listen to the needs and perspectives of his team in addition to AIG’s broker partners and clients.
This involves synthesizing information and using it to make informed decisions.
“Listening doesn’t mean being quiet when others are speaking—we have to truly hear what’s being said,” Peter says. “People look at issues from different angles. How we are able to apply those perspectives is largely based on how well we listen and engage.”
For Georgia, listening to honest feedback enables her to continually adjust her technique and strategies, and stay focused under pressure.
“Even though golf is an individual sport, players have a team around them that we trust and look to for guidance,” Georgia says. “Listening to their ongoing advice is key to every one of our successes on and off the course.”
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